

字号+ 作者: 来源: 2017-03-26

Pausing to look at the numbers, note thecountries shaded in green, which are the cheapest in the world, at least on aprice to book basis, are concentrated in Africa and Eastern Europe, arguably among

  Pausing to look at the numbers, note thecountries shaded in green, which are the cheapest in the world, at least on aprice to book basis, are concentrated in Africa and Eastern Europe, arguably among the riskiest parts of the world. The mostexpensive countries are China, a couple of outliers in Africa (Ivory Coast andSenegal, with very small sample sizes) and Argentina, a bit of a surprise.




  The EV to EBITDA multiple has quicklygrown in favor among analysts, for some good reasons and some bad. Among thegood reasons, it is less affected by different financial leverage policies thanPE ratios (but it is not immune) and depreciation methods thanother earnings multiples.

  Among the bad ones is that it is a cash flow measurebased on a dangerously loose definition of cash flow that works only if youlive in a world where there are no taxes, debt payments and capitalexpenditures laying claim on those cash flows.

  The global histogram of EV toEBITDA multiples share the positive skew of the other multiples, with the peakto the left and the tail to the right:





  Again, there will be firms that had negative EBITDA that did not make the cut, but they are fewer in number than those with negative EPS. Looking at the median EV to EBITDA multiple by country in the heat map below, you can see the cheap spots and the expensive ones.




  As with price to book, the cheapest countries in the world lie in some of the riskiest parts of the world, in Africa and Eastern Europe. China remains among the most expensive countries in the world but Argentina which also made the list, on a price to book basis, drops back to the pack.


  EV to Sales


  If you share my fear of accounting game playing, you probably also feel more comfortable working with revenues, the number on which accountants have the fewest degrees of freedom. Let’s start with the histogram for global stocks:




  Of all the multiples, this should be the one where you lose the least companies (though many financial service companies don’t report conventional revenues) and the one that you can use even on young companies that are working their way through the early stages of the life cycle. The median EV/Sales ratio for each country are in the heat map below:




  By now, the familiar pattern reasserts itself, with East European and African companies looking cheap and China looking expensive. With revenue multiples, Canada and Australia also enter the overvalued list, perhaps because of the preponderance of natural resource companies in these countries.


