
Aliyun Launches Cloud Startup Contest, Competing With Google(2)

字号+ 作者: 来源: 2017-04-30

Qilin server frees the date center from air conditioning as it puts the whole server in circulating cooling liquid. Its PUE is close to the maximum 1.0 theoretically. In traditional data centers, alm

  Qilin server frees the date center from air conditioning as it puts the whole server in circulating cooling liquid. Its PUE is close to the maximum 1.0 theoretically. In traditional data centers, almost half of the energy is consumed by cooling. Liquid cooling is a highly efficient cooling method and this is the first time it’s being applied in commercial server cluster. The cooling liquid Qilin adopts is non-corrosive with complete insulation. The electronic components won’t have a problem in the liquid for over 20 years.

  Additionally, Aliyun is increasing its investment for global investors. On the Computing Conference, the 2017 Create@Alibaba Cloud Startup Contest was announced, supported by Alibaba and over a hundred partners. Several thousands of teams from the U.S., England, France, Singapore, Tokyo, Dubai, India, Australia and China etc. will compete in the game. This is the third time that Alibaba hosts this event and this year the global competition zone expands to 25.

  Up till now, Alibaba Innovation Center has set up 32 innovation centers and incubators in 22 cities in China, providing cloud resources and other Alibaba resources for over 5,000 startups. In May 2016, Alibaba was chosen as a role model base as the only Internet company by the state council.

  According to Forrester Wave’s 2016 Q4 report on China’s public cloud sector, Aliyun was the leading platform in China’s public cloud sector, followed by AWS and Azure. As the first round of the public cloud competition in China is close to an end, how to provide a better cloud service and keep users engaged have become the next direction for the next round. Huawei and Aliyun’s new launch in March and April this year confirms that the competition is approaching.


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  [The article is published and edited with authorization from the author @Wu Ningchuan, please note source and hyperlink when reproduce.]

  Translated by Garrett Lee (Senior Translator at PAGE TO PAGE), working for TMTpost.


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